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Iron doors

Solid 1/2 inch round openings construidos artistic designs structural pipes 4-hole iron door.. It is a fully editable dwg format file. Checked: 10.02.2025


Harbour-entrance hall partitions. It is a fully editable dwg format file. Checked: 10.02.2025

Bogota Open

Expanded metal and structural plate pipes with a grid for protection. It is a fully editable dwg format file. Checked: 10.02.2025

Doors - windows

Frame windows and doors with modern style. It is a fully editable dwg format file. Checked: 10.02.2025

Openings: doors and windows

Doors and windows. Impressions - Cortes - Details. It is a fully editable dwg format file. Checked: 10.02.2025

The summary Window - Window swing

Summary Windows development Swing. Meetings materials, among others. It is a fully editable dwg format file. Checked: 10.02.2025

Constructor Steel Curtain

?? Roll-up door details thoroughly for more details. It is a fully editable dwg format file. Checked: 10.02.2025

Door details

The door Plan, section, information hardware industry. It is a fully editable dwg format file. Checked: 10.02.2025

Knots with the window construction details

-Specifications - sizing - construction details cut. It is a fully editable dwg format file. Checked: 10.02.2025


3d SketchUp model - Sketchup modeling - with textures. It is a fully editable skp format file. Checked: 10.02.2025

The port zagua

Details blacksmith door. It is a fully editable dwg format file. Checked: 10.02.2025


Two 3D leaf door. It is a fully editable dwg format file. Checked: 10.02.2025

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