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Environmental wall blocks

BLOCK WALL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS. It is a fully editable dwg format file. Checked: 10.02.2025

Detail of half - ridge - support

Details - specifications - sizing - construction cuts. It is a fully editable dwg format file. Checked: 10.02.2025

Details pavement

A separation contains the details of the two types of banking. It is a fully editable dwg format file. Checked: 10.02.2025

Expansion joints

Wall and floor - details - dimensions - axonometric. It is a fully editable dwg format file. Checked: 10.02.2025

The roof is fantastic

Based on the structural roof floor Montana and galvanized sheet metal. It is a fully editable dwg format file. Checked: 10.02.2025

Caseton with plate detail

Caseton with plate DETAIL. It is a fully editable dwg format file. Checked: 10.02.2025

Industrial building interior gateway

Runway girder bridge crane light Portico 28m in the warehouse Detail joint type CF belt. It is a fully editable dwg format file. Checked: 10.02.2025

Pontoon 5m

Small 5 meter long water flow Ponton. It is a fully editable dwg format file. Checked: 10.02.2025

By step plans closed

SUPPORTED ON FOUNDATION PILES FRICTION LOAD TRANSMITTING STEP OFF PUNTA. It is a fully editable dwg format file. Checked: 10.02.2025

Steel column - empalme

Details - specifications - sizing - construction cuts. It is a fully editable dwg format file. Checked: 10.02.2025

Concrete pergola

THE GENERAL PLAN STRUCTURAL INFORMATION CONCRETE PERGOLA. It is a fully editable dwg format file. Checked: 10.02.2025

Proof enclosure C - 5 durango

Structural detail the proof of C - 5 the city of Durangos high jump. It is a fully editable dwg format file. Checked: 10.02.2025

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